CattleIn the Fields

Sorted Into The Nursery Field

Our next birth looks like it will be coming from cow #35, we have been watching her over the last couple of weeks and she is showing all the signs that her due date is approaching.

cow near barnShe also happened to be standing near the gate to the nursery field as we drove over the bridge for the morning feeding. Mike didn’t hesitate to open the gate for her and she walked right in happy to be nibbling on the greener grass on the other side of the fence while we loaded the Gator with hay.

Once loaded we drove out to the rest of the cow/calf pairs that were in the nursery field and began feeding. #35 joined in and was eating wit gusto as if she had not been away from these fellow-mothers while they tend their babies.

Mike was muttering under his breath while we were feeding. I heard him mention that he hoped he was correct about #35 and that she delivers soon. The hold out cow that waited more than a week to deliver after we put her in the nursery field was a blight on his good record of sensing impending motherhood. Stay tuned for calf updates!

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