CattleIn the Fields

Something In The Air

With the promise of new beginnings, the ground is attempting to dry, the daffodils are starting to poke up out of the dirt, buds are starting to swell and the cows are acting antsy.

one cow in fieldThe other day, I told you about half of the herd separating from the main group to go off tramping through the woods, now it is the mother cows in the nursery field that have gotten that nagging itch to search for new adventures. When I walked across the bridge to do some early morning firewood production, I noticed only one cow in the nursery field. It was highly unusual. one cow in fieldThe mothers are very protective of their little ones and the calves hang out together so the big cows can babysit while some of the others wander to the far back of the field for a drink from the spring. One cow by herself just doesn’t happen, except for today.

It took a little exploration, but I found that someone (and nobody is confessing to being the culprit) had been rubbing on a wooden post that holds the fence up between the nursery field and the six acre field. There was evidence of this from the black hair left behind along with the smooth spot on the post that was now flat on the ground, broken off at dirt level. There were the three strands of barb wire stomped into the mud where the rest of the nursery animals had walked through the surprise opening.

Around the corner and down in the dip the herd of mother cows with all the calves were happily munching away. It would be my guess that the lone cow still in the nursery field had been in the back by the spring when the rest of the herd took off for greener pastures and she would be reuniting with the rest of them shortly when she grazed her way toward the six acre field.

Looks like today will be fence fixing day. It wasn’t on the original plan of activities, but there is something in the air that makes me think that if I don’t take care of this issue right away there may be more problems ahead.

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One thought on “Something In The Air

  • Bonnie Shumaker

    Call out the CSI team so you can reprimand the culprit.

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