CattleIn the Fields

Softly And NinetyNine

It was a little over a month ago when we sold our trouble-maker of a calf, KAOS, that had grown into a responsible, upright citizen and now has a herd of his own at another farm. His mother, Softly, just delivered her new baby.

Around 5am, the dogs had begun making a noisy yipping and yapping. It was enough noise to send we out of the house with the spotlight checking to see if we had some marauders in the garden or elk in the lawn. But by the time I was out there traipsing around, I could not spot or hear anything.

cow with new calf
Look close, the new calf is comfy and resting under the neck of her mother as breakfast was served

It was when we were on the Gator to do the morning feeding of the main herd when we saw Softly down by the bridge with her calf sleeping comfortably next to her in the tall berry stickers. Of course she had forged the river to have her calf, and now she was complaining that the others of the herd were getting ready for breakfast and she had none.

As soon as we fed the main herd we took her a few slabs of hay so she could get her belly full and still take care of her new baby. By afternoon she had moved her calf down toward the river but did not feel comfortable crossing.

Mike drove the tractor that had the front loading tines with a solid top pallet on the front. I held the calf on the front of the tractor as Mike inched through the river, we were inches above the water at the crossing with Softly walking right along with us. Mike was able to take the tractor up the logging road from the river to the gate of the nursery field. Softly and her calf walked right in where they will be fed away from the main herd for now.

Welcome to the farm, heifer calf NinetyNine. Born 12/2/2020, weighing in at 81 lbs. Prowler is the sire to this big calf.

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One thought on “Softly And NinetyNine

  • Bonnie H Shumaker

    Another picture missed for us readers to see. You have to train Mike to take pictures of you. This one of you and a newborn calf fording the river on the palleted front tines of the tractor would have gone viral for sure. Alas, I’ll have to be satisfied with the visual created by your words.

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