CattleIn the BarnIn the Woods


This week has had predictions, threats rather, of snow. Some models showing snow days all week long. In this part of the country that can mean anything from a single flake (most common) to a foot accumulation (highly uncommon and people just go goofy when it does happen).

The first two days was snow flurries. Barely any accumulation before melting back off. On the hill barely 100 feet higher than the house, the trees were white with snow and it stayed there each day.

On the third day a system was supposed to bring white stuff into the area about 2 pm. We started seeing microscopic sized flakes about noon. Before long it was really snowing hard and kept doing that all afternoon and into the evening. Highway 26 was a mess from Necanicum Junction to Stayley’s Junction (about 50 miles of roadway) through the Coast Range.

Here at the farm, the thermometer stayed resolutely at 33 degrees all day and all night long so the snow was thawing from below. Our road is passable with 4 wheel drive vehicles for now, but will be fine for all traffic once we see a snow plow pass by.

The cows that can, meaning the ones in the show barn, the weaned heifers, the bulls in the bull pen and the cow/calf pairs in the nursery field have moved indoors while this wave of storm passes. The main herd bunches up under the tall fir trees of the hillside to stay comfortable, only coming down to water and hay at the outdoor feeders.

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2 thoughts on “Snow

  • Bonnie H Shumaker

    How considerate that no cow’s delivery time coincided with the snow event. We had 12 inches here with the snow blowing sideways driven by the east wind. It reminded me of lambing time when snow events and newborn lambs coincided a lot.

    • Ours was melting from below as it was coming down so you had more than us. The buildup of now throughout the day was sure impressive.

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