CattleIn the Fields


You never know what is going to happen when out on the farm.

We had a can of Blu-Coat in the Gator. I wanted to use some on a critter but the aerosol can would not spray when the button was depressed. All I could get was a little ooze around the edges. I tried wiping the oozed stuff onto the boo-boo on the critter, but it had mostly dried around the nozzle rather than cover the sore spot.

Here is where I have to tell you a little about Blu-Coat, it is a product that covers and seals wounds in livestock. We have used it for years, usually it was purchased in a small plastic bottle with a pump sprayer on the top. Blu-Coat is called that for a reason, it is very, very blue in color nearly purple. It shows up well when applied to a critter even when the critter is the Black Angus variety and very dark already. This Blu-Coat that we had on the Gator was an aerosol can with a fancy plastic guard around the extra fancy push button on the top. By turning the guard, one could keep the extra fancy button from getting depressed accidentally.

Since I was not getting more than a bit of ooze out of the tip, I tried turning it, and turning it and turning it. Some of the time I could not press the button down at all and all the other times was just that ooze around the top.

Mike tried helping and ripped the fancy guard and the extra fancy cap right off with the help of a pair of pliers (another bit of equipment we haul around in the Gator). He said the extra fancy cap must have sealed itself shut after the last time we used the product which was several years ago, if my recollection is sound.

Now I had a can with no fancy guard and no extra fancy push button just a jutting spigot on the top of the can. I tried using the pliers to hold the spigot and gently apply pressure. Sure enough, I got coated much more than what got on the critter. The good part is that there was enough of the stuff on me I was able to rub myself on the boo-boo and transfer enough of the product to seal up the wound.

inkedHere is my word of caution. Blu-Coat is very, very blue and very, very permanent. Even washing with the Super Orange Goop would not take off the stain and that stuff cleans all manner of grease, equipment, oil, marker, and even paint off the wall if you accidentally try to clean with it (but that is another story).

So today, I am humbly purple in hue, waiting for my skin to regenerate enough to leave my Smurf-ness behind. At least I look good in blues…

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