In the GardenIn the Kitchen

Short Transparent Season

a tray full of apple slicesThe season for the yellow transparent apples has come to a close. Those first of the season, easily bruised, much anticipated delicacy has run its course.

Only two weeks ago the tree was laden with crunchy apples ranging in size from golf balls to soft balls. The fruit is so tender on these apples that the couple of 100 degree days that we experienced did them in. They became soft and began to disintegrate before they even dropped out of the tree.

The apples that were no longer edible, went to feed the cows in the show barn. They were grateful for the near applesauce-like texture of the buckets of fruit.

I was able to send many loads through the dehydrator and filled 9- one gallon bags with dried apples slices that will go into the mixed bags of emergency fruit that I distribute throughout the winter. Now the Gravenstein  is beginning to ramp up production and the dehydrator will be put into use again.

According to Wikipedia;

Gravenstein is a triploid (A “triploid” apple tree is one which has three chromosomes rather than the normal two and they should be treated as if they are self-sterile. This means that they need another suitable variety nearby to pollinate them.) apple cultivar that originated in the 17th century or earlier. The fruit has a tart flavor; in the Northern Hemisphere it is picked in July and August and is heavily used as a cooking apple, especially for apple sauce and apple cider. It does not keep well, and it is available only in season.

Gravenstein apples make wonderful pies since they tend to keep their shape better during the baking process than the softer yellow transparent apples. The dehydrator is not going to get much of a break for the next couple of weeks.

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One thought on “Short Transparent Season

  • Bonnie and Bob Shumaker

    My favorite apple! Mine are almost ready and are abundant this year. The early drops are picked up off the ground and are much anticipated by the pigs and horses. They don’t care if a bite or two are taken out by the humans first.

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