In the Barn

Short And Sweet, A Dog Story

Jackson, the impulsive, carefree, wildly enthusiastic one out of our two farm dogs was acting so silly the other day we just had to take a few pictures to document the event.

Dog standing on top of barrels in bed of GatorI had four barrel tubs that were filled with bark and small wood pieces that break off as we are using the splitter to split the wood down into manageable firewood pieces. The tubs barely fit into the bed of the Gator, which is also the bed that Jackson has claimed as his own and he requires that he ride back there whenever possible. Dog watching from back of GatorWe did not think that this time he would be able to ride back there since the bed was full corner to corner.

When Jackson realized we were cleaning up and ready to move over to the house side of the river, he jumped on the front of the Gator, made a quick leap on the seats and up into the bed on top of the barrels. He looked like he was trying to win a game of TWISTER since he had two feet in one barrel and the other two feet were in a couple of other barrels. He stayed up there the whole time I was getting the small cart filled with kindling attached to the back of the Gator

Dog smiling at cameraThat looked pretty funny all by itself, but as we began the drive, the filled barrels started to compact. By the time we got over to the house, Jackson was sunk up to his belly and with his feet in separate barrels could not lift a leg to get unstuck.

The excursion didn’t seem to bother Jackson at all and he waited patiently for me to lift him out of two of the barrels before he get the traction he needed to jump off the Gator.

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2 thoughts on “Short And Sweet, A Dog Story

  • Bonnie Shumaker

    Makes you wonder what was going on in Jackson’s head. He obviously had great trust that you would fix things and that maybe you would have second thoughts about messing with his chosen place in the future.

    • He is nutty, but we love him!

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