Beyond the FarmConservation and Stewardship

Saturday Tour

Taking a day off, we had the opportunity to go a-visiting in the neighboring county.

It was a comfortable Saturday. We got to see neighbors, friends and fellow woodland owners. We got to learn about what this land owner is doing with their acreage and some of the natural wonders on the site.

A portion of the land is an active logging site where the logger is thinning out damaged and thick patches of trees. The result will be a better stand of tall timber that can be logged again in another 20 years with much higher quality timber.

Re-planting areas that are too thin, or have succumbed to root rot or insects is an on-going project each spring.  An area where fir were plagued with disease, now has 2 acres of 15 year old alder. Riparian areas along the river are monitored and planted with shade giving ash and cedar.

Making firewood is a year long project. The owners make between 20-50 cord each year for use on the property, for neighbors and for the community center in town.

The owners are using the resulting left over trees that are too small or damaged to send to the mill to make quality firewood bundles like you would see at the grocery store. They make a mix of ash, cedar, maple, cherry and fir in the bundles.

By combining several operations on the property, the owners clean up the woods and make it a beautiful area to live, visit, watch wildlife and enhance the vibrant river.