Beyond the FarmConservation and Stewardship

Rough Weather And Unforgiving Seas

While I am on my REALOregon Coast Adventure I am finding that Newport and all the coastline has been having quite a bit of weather also. The big news in the area is that a crabbing boat got into trouble as they were trying to navigate back into the port just down the coast at Coos Bay. The boat ran into the jetty and capsized. The three man crew was trapped inside the boat for more than an hour. US News picked up the story and stated:

The accident comes during the height of the season for harvesting Dungeness crab, a winter delicacy in the Pacific Northwest and Alaska that is in high demand. The Pacific Miner had 300 crabs on board, the Coast Guard said.

To read the whole story and to see of the actual rescue footage, I went to KGW Channel 8 news, but also got to hear about it directly from the Oregon Dungeness Crab Commission who just happened to be speaking to our group less than 12 hours after the very dramatic story of how the crew was saved.

Hugh Link, who was our speaker and Executive Director of the Oregon Dungeness Crab Commission, was able to bring the story to life about how the whole town pitched in to look for the vessel that was in trouble and when the call went out when the ship was located, the locals showed up en-masse with Saws-Alls (Reciprocating Saws) to cut open the ship that had the men trapped.

You will be hearing more about the Oregon Dungeness Crab Commission in later posts, but I had to get this story out since the weather has been a very timely discussion around the whole state over the last week or two.

Rough seas and unforgiving, slashing rain with hail at times has been causing issues with our tour plans, but the REALOregon crew had managed to secure some great alternatives instead of our scheduled dock walk, stay tuned for some upcoming stories about all the adventures.

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2 thoughts on “Rough Weather And Unforgiving Seas

  • Katie Kissler

    It was a great trip! I think the story that Cari from the fisherman’s wives shared about her 70 year old father being stuck out at sea because of the bar for all crossings was a really impactful story. That is a great example of how the community comes together. Looking forward to seeing more!

    • Hi Katie, I should have titled that story “Forgiving Seas” since the remarkable outcome was rather miraculous. The loss of a ship is devastating but saving three souls from what first appeared to be a ‘recovery mission’ was quite extraordinary!

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