CattleIn the Woods



Update to our fire situation locally; with the moderating of temperatures, the vicious east winds gone and a sprinkle of rain over the night time hours, several of the smaller forest fires around the area have been contained. That is not to say the fires are out, but the evacuation orders for many have been downgraded and they can return to their properties. Returning to fire ravaged areas means smoldering stumps below ground and vigilant landowners are working to keep the fires from re-igniting. Our air quality is improving each day, last night just before the dusk I could actually see clouds in the sky through the smoke, this was the first time in several days of smoke limiting visibility to mere yards. Some of the bigger fires continue to rage.

calves laying around farm truckOur group of about ten calves, that are still too young to wean, hang out together during the day, they eat well away from the main herd in the big field while the mothers are grazing. The group will find areas along the fence line or down in the dip of the field to do their own grazing and only come back during hay feeding time or when a mother calls them to nurse.

During the night, when the herd beds down, the group of calves cluster around the Big Red Beast that we have parked under a fir tree at the edge of the field. The truck has been parked there since the end of hay season. She is awaiting the time when she will be put into use to haul rock for the roads around the barns and out to the feeders. The hot, dry weather has forced her to be idle under the fir tree until rain begins to lessen fire danger in the dry grass in the fields.

calves trickling out from their napping spot
Calves trickling out from their napping spot

The calves think the Big Red Beast is the perfect refuge during the evening time hours and they sleep comfortably snugged up to the bumper, the tires and even under the the driveline shaft.

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One thought on “Refuge

  • Bonnie Shumaker

    We even had enough sun yesterday to see shadows on the ground – exciting. It was short-lived but welcome.

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