CattleIn the Fields

Quiet And Uproar

cow by big treeQuiet, our convalescing cow with the broken hoof, is doing well in the side pasture of the bull pen. We knew that when we moved her into the pen that she was within a few weeks of calving. The heavy weight of the growing calf inside her was part of the reason her foot/hoof was bothering her.

The alone time has given her hoof a bit of a reprieve from the mucky muck of the show barn and she is enjoying the relative solitary nature of this pen even with the yearling bulls lining the fence to watch her as she grazes or dozes around the tall fir trees.

On this day, Quiet ate her breakfast like normal except she was experiencing labor pains. She had her tail raised and  would strain when a contraction would interrupt her mouthful. This was the beginning stages and she did not let the pains keep her from eating.

By 11:30 she had the tips of feet exposed with each contraction and by 12:05 she had a healthy and lively calf on the ground and was cleaning him up with vigorous tonguing. Quiets diet has us giving her more of the grass seed pellets that we feed to supplement feed since she had been placed in the convalescing pen. The grain added weight to the calf as well as to her. Normally we don’t feed too much to nearly expectant mothers, but Quiet had been struggling to keep her natural size since her broken hoof began to act up.

Welcome to the farm bull calf Uproar weighing in at a big 90 lbs,. born on 4/8/21. Mother and baby are doing great, Quiet is still limping from her hoof, but now that the extra weight is not an issue, is doing much better.

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