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Pressure And Titan

Pressure is one of our more senior show cows from the bloodline of the best cow we ever had, KC Prospect Erroline. Erroline was a gentle creature who loved to travel and the pampering that comes with being on stage so to speak. She had been to more states for shows than I have ever visited, and she would load herself into the stock trailer when we pulled into the pasture and opened the door. She passed her friendly and calm behavior onto her offspring in both the bulls and the heifers.

Pressure is a Grand-daughter of Erroline and has many of the same traits. In a herd of black cattle, Pressure is the one with the Erroline nose and wide forehead. When nearly ready to calve, Pressure walks with a slow, measured pace and the top of her tail head tilts so much she appears sway back. Pressure is always ready for a meal and even though she is not mean about it, a human will not be able to keep her away from her dinner.

Erroline has been gone from us many years, and the show days of Pressure’s youth has ended also. Pressure now has the job of grazing and lounging while producing an offspring once a year. We name her calves after tires to remember their lineage. This year her calf will be named Titan.

black cow with newborn calf
First look at Pressure and Titan

Titan was born in the morning hour just before breakfast on 12/18/2020 on the hillside not far from the outdoor feeders. The newborn had not yet stood because the terrain was muddy and angled when we arrived. Every time Pressure would try to lick him off, he would slip or roll downhill. We moved in and placed him in the back of the Gator with Pressure following, and we put the pair into the level barnyard. They stayed penned for the day while they got everything sorted out and Pressure was able to get a good breakfast along with tending her calf.

Pressure with Titan in barnyard shortly after moving off the hill

Welcome to the farm bull SAF Titan, weighing in at 78 lbs.

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