In the Garden

Pre-Seasoned Vegetables

I have been noticing those pesky white butterflies hanging around the garden this week. Since I do not like to use herbicides or pesticides, I use the next best thing.
Cayenne pepper mixed with flour.Cayenne pepper mixed with a tablespoon of flour is the recipe I use to deter the butterflies that result in those green caterpillars in the cabbage, broccoli and other vegetables.
The heat of the pepper repels the butterflies so they don’t eat or leave offspring.
I only use enough flour to assist in making the pepper stick to the damp leaves left from the morning dew. If too much flour is used, it clumps up as puddles form on the leaves and as the puddles dry, the flour would begin to mold. It doesn’t hurt the plants, but washing it off to eat it becomes a challenge.
A new dusting is needed after a good rain or watering by sprinklers.