Beyond the FieldsConservation and StewardshipIn the FieldsIn the Woods

Our Conservation Plan

The official book for the conservation plan.From the time we had first started the process, it took nearly 2 years to get the official Conservation Plan completely documented. It took many more years of daily farm life to get to the point where we felt we could begin a comprehensive plan. We had been running by trial, error and starting again to map out needs, desires and designs for the legacy we were hoping to leave to future generations.
By enlisting the help of the USDA and NRCS we are now officially documented, all we have to do now is implement the plan! I am grateful that we only own this small farm for the tome already is quite hefty.

The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) is a federal agency within the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Originally established by Congress in 1935 as the Soil Conservation Service to combat “the wastage of soil and moisture resources on farm, grazing, and forest lands . . .  “,

Our plan describes in detail the unique sections of our farm and takes into account the goals we want to accomplish with conservation of the natural resources and improvements we can implement to support the overall plan.
We have already started working the plan with our efforts to complete the logging road to the top of the hill for access to the storm damage areas of the forest. The Conservation Plan is not something that one completes and then it is finished. As changes come to the farm by the way of trees growing, river changing courses, weather pattern fluctuations, wildlife migrations, etc., the plan will be adapted. We now have a solid structure to access and implement tasks aimed toward creating a legacy that is this farm.