CattleIn the BarnIn the Fields

Oops We Did It Again

This is a strange year.

Things just seem off-kilter, a little wonky, pear-shaped you may say. Weather patterns seem to be odd, swinging wildly between too dry and too wet. The winter really wasn’t, except for a week in November and another week in February or was it March. Hard to remember. Mike was able to drive the Gator up the logging roads during that last cold/dry spell and that was highly unusual since we typically don’t see the skid roads dry enough until June.

And I am not even going to mention a world-wide virus…

Then there are the cows. Their birthing pattern seems different than normal. We do like to stretch out our calving so that we have many months of newborns because our buyers like the variety of different ages. But we go from absolutely nobody birthing to two or three in the span of a couple days. And then we had the twins born a few weeks ago. Twins are not usual for us, it has been several years since we had a set.

Now for the first time in the history of our farm, we have two sets of twins in the same year. (Wouldn’t you know it, I have FINALLY convinced Mike and he agreed, to pare down the herd and now the moms are dropping multiples!).

Even this post is going to be different than normal because instead of the usual birth announcement for the newest addition, I’m just going to be telling you how bizarre it is with the official announcement coming soon.

You see, I have a virtual partner via long-distance learning because the schools are out, that was hoping to name the next calf born on the farm. Normally we name our registered animals according to their heritage to make the lineage easier to remember. But twins are not named like that because they will not be registered to be future breeding animals. My virtual partner is a buddy of mine from St. Helens named Olivia B. and is six years old. Olivia is currently out of school as is the rest of the state and most of the country and she is being tutored by her grandmother that lives in Forest Grove. The long-distance daily classroom creates a wonderful family time with the help of the internet with video capabilities. Stories of the farm are shared by the grandmother and Olivia said she wanted to name a baby. The grandmother told me about Olivia’s plans and a day or two later, a baby was born so we were able to use Olivia’s suggestion as the name. But instead of only one baby there were two (the second set of twins) so the next day of internet school involved a lengthy discussion about the second name and Olivia rose to the challenge. The story tomorrow will be about the twins!

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