Conservation and StewardshipIn the Fields

One, Two, Three Punch

Seems like we are still trying to clean up after our big snowfall and quick thaw that brought the river up over flood stage, when we got word that the nursery was able to lift the Cedar and Doug Fir seedlings that we had ordered about 6 months ago.

Knowing that they had been dug, we geared up for the fact that it would only be a day or two before we would be in possession of 320 seedlings that would need to be planted ASAP.

A bag of seedlings from the nursery.Thank goodness we only ordered 3 bags of seedlings this year. 2 Western Red Cedar and 1 Douglas Fir.

The bags themselves don’t look like much, but when you have to strap them on a backpack and haul them up the hill on switchback logging roads, the task becomes monumental.

There was still snow hanging in the corners of the pastures and around the river, but the view as we trekked up the hill was awe inspiring. The pictures were snapped between resting spots as we hauled the trees uphill.