CattleIn the Barn

Not Content With Ground Level

Jackson the dog does not make it out the the show barn very often, he is usually banned from the area because he likes to chase the barn cats and steal their food. So it was a rare treat for him to accompany me while I fed the cows and the cats in this barn the other day.

Before we headed out to the barn, I made him stop and look me in the eye. I told him point blank that there was to be no foolishness today, he was not allowed to chase any cat that he came across and by all means he was to stay away from their food pan. He gave me his usual goofy smile and a wag of his tail, he seemed to know what I was saying and I believed he promised to behave.

a dog sticking his nose into the hay bales at the top of a stackI was very surprised when he ran right past the pile of cats as I poured their share of kibble into their dinner pan. Jackson was on a mission and ran to the hay stack at the back of the barn where he commenced rubbing along the bales which is one of his favorite barn activities. I went to work feeding the cows and took my attention off Jackson for a couple of moments before I realized that he was no longer on the ground floor. I walked both ways around the tractor and peeked at the cats and their dinner but they didn’t seem disturbed. That was when I looked up to see Jackson at the top of the hay stack instead of the ground floor.

Something up there smelled enticing and he figured out how to scale the pile to investigate. I found him with only his tail sticking out of a gap in the bales. Either one of the cats left him a surprise or there is a rat trying to outsmart the cats. I may have to invite Jackson out to the barn with me more often until I get to the bottom of this mystery.

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