CattleConservation and Stewardship

Needing To Vent

We try to be upbeat with the stories we share of the rural life even when thrown curve balls or heartbreak. We attempt to be good stewards of the land and the creatures around us, strive to be civil neighbors and tend to get along with most folk. But over the last few weeks we had things happen that made me fall off the pleasant wagon.

We have signage around the farm announcing gates, private property and no trespassing, yet we have issues with people either not reading the signs or not realizing that a fence is made to keep people out even more than they are there to keep our livestock in.

Just a couple of weeks ago we had a car stopped at our gate into the field where our main herd was grazing near the county road. This is the same herd where our herd sire resides, he is about 2200 lbs and although not necessarily mean, he is protective of his females and we never turn our back on him. This car had several people in it when it pulled over, someone got out and crouched by the fence flailing their arms through the gate to get the attention of the animals just on the other side. The fence would not have kept a charging animal contained and this person was attempting to stir up a riot while trying to get noticed by a young calf. We chased the car with the occupants off. I was upset that people would put themselves in danger like that.

car blocking drivewayThen this weekend another incident happened. We had a medical issue with one of our older cows and needed to go check on her progress. When we drove up the road to our locked and signed gate, a car was parked right in the middle of our road without giving any space on either side to pass. They were parked directly under a no trespassing sign. The car was locked up tight.  We could not go around, we could not see where the passengers had gone. We had no way to tend to our medical situation without turning around and go the long way around through two river crossings to get to our livestock.

I tracked the passengers down. You may ask how I knew where to look for them. I followed the smoke. Yes, they had trekked nearly a quarter mile back and forth around my property to find a way in, set up their lawn chairs and picnic supplies, and lit a campfire in my woods during fire season. The fire was not the only thing heated up. I yelled to douse the fire and got nothing but attitude. When I said I was going to tow their vehicle they began to take notice.

I met them back at their rig when they arrived. When told of the circumstances why I was so mad they said they were sorry and that they didn’t know. Why? Why didn’t they know? It’s because they were not supposed to their in the first place. It was not public ground yet they didn’t realize the difference between public and private.

Now I know I have the most loyal and honestly good people that read my stories and that this rant is just spittin’ into the wind. But I had to say my peace and truly hope that those of us that own property, use or work on someone else’s property, own a critter of any shape or size, or just care about the right’s of other folk, this story reminds us all that we are stewards for nature. We are entrusted to be caring of the land, the wildlife and the beauty that surrounds us. Help educate those who cannot understand even when we are so mad the flames shoot out our ears. (I am going to have to try to remember, but it is going to have to be next time, I blew it today.)

I did have to spend time after the trespassers left to assure the fire was out and clean up the trash they left behind.

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