CattleIn the Barn

Nearly Released

The day has come for ByGosh and ByGolly to get their ear tags and be joined with the rest of the cow/calf pairs in the nursery field. ByGolly had an extra procedure to slip a rubber band around his scrotum to castrate him. The banding is a simple process and only takes a few seconds, the calf will feel a bit of discomfort until he gets used to the pressure but it only lasts a few hours before the blood supply is completely cut off and the sack deadens. It will dry up and fall from his body in a week or two (depending on weather).

The two calves went through their procedures. The ear tags feel floppy and they tend to shake their heads a while until they get used to the weight on their left ear. We gave the heifer ByGosh, #16 and steer ByGolly, #18.

ByGosh had to stop at her mother to get a squirt of milk for comfort before the gate was opened and the trio headed out into the nursery field. The mother #8 has been anxious to get out into the big field and has been yearning for the gate to open as she watched the rest of the critters enjoying the wide open pasture, so she moved quickly out of the barn yard pen. I had to round up the two calves to escort them through the gate.

Especially at this stage, Mike and I need the ear tags so we can monitor that the calves stay together and hopefully with their mother as all the calf and cow activity that is so different than the quiet solitude of the barn and small pastures afforded the family bonding time. We can move them back into the smaller pens if they need a little more time to get used to new ideas. ByGosh and ByGolly are finding their voices quickly to find each other and their mother each time they get separated, so far the three of them are getting along nicely with the rest of the cow/calf pairs.

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One thought on “Nearly Released

  • Bonnie Shumaker

    Such a simple (and true) description of the castration process. I think it could only be written in such a way by a woman. Men tend to cringe doing the job and watching the “bit of discomfort” you describe.

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