Conservation and StewardshipIn the Woods

More Than The Usual Debris

Trees in log landing with limbs attached.The log landing at the bottom of the hill looks is more messy than normal. The trees are coming down off the hill as Mike is ‘punching’ in the new skid road.
Most of these trees are smaller than we like to harvest, most only have one or two sell-able logs in them. Many still have lots of branches rather than leaving the extra foliage in the woods.
To help clean the area around the new road, the extra limbs and green growth will be removed at the landing and scooped into piles out of the way of the log deck and trucks that will haul the logs to market. In the meantime, the landing will be harder to keep neat and tidy, which is one of my main jobs during logging season along with firewood reclamation. It appears that my position will not be in jeopardy any time soon.