In the BarnIn the Woods

More Signs Of Spring

butterfly stopping to rest in the sunlightWhile Mike is on the tractor out in the hayfields, I have time to wander around the places that I seldom tread. When I hear the tractor change gears to come up the county road, I high-tail it back to the barn to assist filling the next spreader-full of lime.

The between times are when I walk past the log landing and up alongside the skid road where Mike brings the logs downhill in the summer time. This is the same trail that I walk to begin mushroom hunting in the fall and use in the summer time to scout for cows that graze uphill to find new patches of fresh grass. Sometimes I head to the back of the 6 acre field and follow cattle trails through the underbrush or pick my way along the river looking for pretty rocks.

trilliums in bloomOn this day I found evidence that the weather is moderating and spring is nearly upon us. I caught site of a butterfly who stopped to rest in the sunlight. The buds on the willows in the riparian zone are not as tight-fisted as they were a couple of weeks ago and I can see the tips turning green as the folded leaves prepare to emerge. The same goes for the vine maple, only bright red stems and tips last week where the green from inside is beginning to show. I can just barely begin to see the alder trees along the river start to turn their signature red color before setting out their leaves.

I found the first trillium of the season and then a few more. I tripped over some thread-thin vines of the ground growing blackberry before getting caught in a sudden rain shower that brought hail for a short burst. It was like Mother Nature reminding me that she is not ready quite yet for the full spring experience.

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I am so pleased to announce that MaryJane Nordgren has made her new book available to the public! Click here for your copy of Nandria’s War.