In the GardenIn the Kitchen

More Fun With Tomatoes

Corn and tomatoes have always been a challenge here on the farm. I tried for many years with both with varying degrees of success and failures. Our growing season is just slightly cooler than the Willamette Valley and our own personal valley between the forested hills on the east and west shorten our days as well.

There has only been one year when we produced corn that was considered a good crop so I have pretty much given up on that. The tomatoes however have been evolving and over the last decade I have maintained a good crop by only planting the smaller and shorter growing cycle tomatoes.

This year with the long dry spell with a lot of hot days, the tomatoes have been coming on strong and not just the little ones but big juicy ones and the cool colored heirlooms with their stripes and odd bumps.

We have harvested some Roma tomatoes that I wanted to run through the dehydrator.

As I was cutting and spreading them out on the trays, I could not help but get a chuckle because they seemed like they were smiling at me.


One thought on “More Fun With Tomatoes

  • Bonnie Shumaker

    Happy tomatoes look just as excited as you. It will be fun to see if their smile is still evident when they’re dried

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