Meeting The Neighbors
After the few hours of mommy and me time in the barnyard, Pressure and Titan were let out into the nursery field. Until now, Softly and NinetyNine were the sole occupants of the 26 acre field with only a few of the nosy neighbors of the main herd doing a little sniff and ogle at the fence line that separates them.
It was once again meal time when we opened the gate for Pressure and Titan to move from their barnyard to the pasture/nursery field. Pressure along with Titan trailing along made for the hay that we had thrown out onto the ground near Softly and NinetyNine. The mothers ate peacefully while the two youngsters nosed around each other before sidling back up next to their respective moms.
The four will most likely be meeting a new addition to the herd in the next week or two while we watch for impending motherhood with a couple of the other cows.
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A Christmas baby perhaps? I’ll bet you have a name in mind.