CattleIn the BarnIn the Fields

Little Gangs Everywhere

The ten calves in the nursery field are sure enjoying the warmer weather and the longer days. I have been enjoying this stretch of good weather myself by spending time in the barn across the river, splitting firewood and loading it into the cribs for final drying. With the earlier light in the mornings, I have been able to find between a half hour to an hour of production before it is time for the breakfast feeding in the field.

calves ganging up to check out the barnWhile the splitter is running, the barn is full of noise from the motor, and the splitting ram and even me as I toss firewood this way and that. The young calves in the nursery field are attracted to the noise and like to come over to investigate.

The calves tend to gang up, giving them more courage than single-handedly. By three’s and four’s they sneak around the corner of the barn to the gates. If the chains are loose and not holding the gates securely closed, the calves like and suck on them. They like the smooth texture and the coolness of the metal. If the gates are open enough to let a small calf through, they expect to be welcomed into the dry work area of the barn with open arms.

The dogs are not having any of it. Jackson and Butler do not mind them cavorting around the field or even meandering near the barn, but they do not appreciate the curious calves getting too close to the gates or god-forbid attempt to step inside. This creates a conundrum for the dogs. They are supposed to protect the barn with me inside, but they are not supposed to upset or bark at the calves. So they do the next best thing, they turn into guard statues and stand vigil by the gates and the corners.

The stillness of the dogs is like a beacon for the calves and sniff around investigating tips and tails of the canine mimes. The dogs try not to move, but the calves are relentless until one dog or another nips, growls or barks to startle the calves. That is when they get into trouble and I threaten to put them into time out.

This same scene can play out multiple times during my work time in the barn with the dogs, the calves and me all agreeing that we are glad for the warmer weather and longer days.

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2 thoughts on “Little Gangs Everywhere

  • Bonnie Shumaker

    Did you leave that gate open on purpose to tantalize the calves and test the dogs?

    • No one was around when I started. Even the dogs were hither and yon completely ignoring my labor!

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