CattleIn the FieldsIn the Woods

Last Graze Around The Far, Far Field

herd in far field with John Deere tractor
Mike feeding herd with John Deere tractor in far, far field

The next batch of calves to be weaned now have their green weaner clips installed and are comfortably roaming the fields with their mothers while the milk supply dries up. After installing the clips, we moved the herd into the far, far field where they can meander the large pasture, under the fir trees that have grown up along the old railroad grade and the forest around the pasture. The weaning calves will stay in the same field as their mothers for about five days before we haul the calves to the show barn where they will learn to be completely independent from their mothers.

With the real winter settling in the area, this will be the last time the herd will have the opportunity to pasture this part of the farm until spring. When we bring them out of this pasture, we will be locking them out of all the hay fields where we will use them as nursery fields as the mothers begin delivering the new crop of calves.

newborn calf with mother standing under bridge
Newborn Chad with his mother Zepher under the shelter of the bridge

The new calves and their mothers will be fed separately in the nursery fields throughout the winter and early spring to give the babies a chance to grow up a bit without getting jostled by the bigger animals or having to fight through the mud that is bound to show up wherever the herd and their big feet tread.

The month old calf, Chad, that is already a part of the herd is big enough, and tough enough to stay in with the main herd. He never really considered himself a baby and cavorts with the calves that are weaning age (six months older than him) as if he is their equal while keeping up with the herd as we move them from parcel to parcel.

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