CattleIn the FieldsIn the Woods

Large Leaf Maples and Busy Days

A couple of weeks ago the alders were turning their iconic red tipped new growth. Now the large leaf maples are starting to pop out with their blossoms and leaf tips.

maple tree getting ready to leaf outThe big leaf maples make the best shade trees down by the river, up on the hillside and around the yard. Some of the older trees have gnarled butts so big around that we have visitors drop by requesting to make wood tables and such out of the trees. Sorry folks, we are not taking those glorious trees down we enjoy them too much as they are.

Here on the farm we are enjoying the spring days as they unfold, trying to see the beauty as it changes from dull to vibrant.

It is easy to miss the changes with all the hub-bub around here, since we have been so busy. I know, I know lots of people all around the world are bored and tired of being cooped up. We have been taking calls for locker beef, herd sires, trying to get the fences back into shape before the main herd go looking for breeches, securing the perimeters around the hayfields so they can grow, we had The Meating Place out last week and harvested three animals, been bundling and delivering firewood, and the list goes on. Seems like we haven’t had a quiet day since word of social distancing began to surface.

large leaf maple starting to turn greenSo today I took the time to look for the native flowering dogwood in the forest, sent a picture of a flower to a friend, gazed at the big, old large leaf maple trees and envisioned the full green canopy that will soon emerge. It was time well spent as the busy-ness of the farm held off for a few moments. I sincerely wish that each one of you my dear readers, even if you are stuck where you don’t want to be, take the time to reconnect with a flower, a bug, a critter, a beam coming in the window or a patch of dirt. And don’t let the day go by without being thankful for another rotation of the sun.

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