In the Garden

Kick Back And Wait For The Weeds

A collective sigh emanates from all the gardeners this time of year as the garden gets planted.
Rows of planted vegetables in the garden.I have put in potatoes and tomatoes in the rows of tires. Seeds of carrots, cucumbers, zucchini, squash, peas, beans, beets, onions, spinach, lettuce (many varieties) in the rows marked with stakes, and a row of cruciferous plants in the form of cabbage, broccoli and kale. I even put in a couple of mounds of cantaloupe with the hope of getting a fresh melon or two. I’m still on the lookout for some plants of lemon cucumbers, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts since the time for germinating seeds has passed.
Now the gardeners that have gotten their beds planted can kick back and enjoy a break before the real work of keeping the weeds at bay until crops can be harvested.