In the Fields

July Rainstorm

Super Cool Announcement! Our distinguished local author, Mary Jane Nordgren weighed in on the story dated 7/10 about guessing the amount of hay bales in the last 1/3rd of the big hay field. A copy of Nandria’s War will be also featured as a prize for the winner! If you haven’t yet sent in your estimate, better get on it, you only have a few days before harvest will be complete when winners will reap the rewards!

We had another set back in the hay season  with a quite unusual July storm brought over a 5th of an inch of rain down in less than a half hour.

The day had started off cloudy but not threatening by any means. The clouds started to break up throughout the morning with just a hint of moisture in the air when a dirty little black cloud would pass by. It was turning muggy by mid-day and random clouds would scuttle by and spit a bit here and there, once and a while one would give enough moisture to dampen the road only to dry back off quickly.

puddleThen came the deluge in the afternoon. The ground went from moist to puddles in minutes. Rivulets were running down the driveway, gutters ran full, all the cattle in the field went high-tailing it for the safety of the trees. Mike tried hunkering under the canopy of the tractor since he was in the middle of fluffing the hay field. But the rain was coming down so hard that it splashed right back at him as it cascaded around the canopy and soaked him from his feet up to his waist.

Once we dry back out again, we will have to assess the hay to see how much damage our little cloud did. Getting the cut grass aerated quickly so it can dry will be the  first task. It will have to be lifted off the wet ground and fluffed up, Mike will be back out there with the fluffer as soon as he can.

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One thought on “July Rainstorm

  • Bonnie Shumaker

    Your wide range of bales per acre so far (51 and 118) makes it hard to make an educated guess. My guess as to how many bales you will get off the last 7 acres is 575. I figure no matter what the weather brings and how much of the hay gets ruined, you will still have to bale it to get it off the field. Hoping for the best, but knowing this weather (it is raining now as I write this) is not conducive for good haying, I wish you finally an end to this first cutting of hay. Maybe the continued moisture will give you a good second cutting.

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