CattleIn the BarnIn the Fields

It’s A Wrap

Call me done, the hay season that seemed to last forever is finally finished!

Every single field that we mowed got some rain on it during the drying cycle. Even the fields that we broke into three smaller fields got at least damp during the curing process. The hay is not the prettiest we have ever made but at least it is now in bales and in the barn for the upcoming wintertime.

The fields have been running heavier than usual this year lots of sweet clover mixed in with the grass. The cattle will be happy with the hay even with the extra moisture we had to fight during hay season.

counter on balerThe counter on the baler showed a half bale short of and even 3000. That is quite a bit more than last year and the hay barns are stuffed.

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One thought on “It’s A Wrap

  • Bonnie Shumaker

    Your counter on the baler reminds me of slot machines that almost, but not quite get you the winning prize. 3000 bales (minus 1/2 bale) is a great total. I guess that pesky rain was a reminder that a wet brings lots of growth, too.

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