CattleIn the Fields

I Spy

It was a chilly start for the morning chores, the thermometer was reading about 28 degrees. The fields were all white with frost and the sky was a clear, crystalline blue.

field with a couple of black cows visibleWe were heading out past the barn with the morning ration of hay for the main herd. Mike was the first to notice a black dot smack dab in the middle of the field, He pointed out the spot to me. There were no cows or calves close to the area and it was a v-shaped wedge that had sunlight shining on it through the trees in the riparian zone of the river.

This was where little Francie calf had plopped herself down while she waited for breakfast to be served. It was a small impression in the field so that just the top of her head and ears were visible.

Most mornings, our little social butterfly of a calf, would be nestled in with the bigger calves or near some of the mothers, but today Francie had found the perfect spot and didn’t invite any other guests to join her.

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One thought on “I Spy

  • Bonnie H Shumaker

    She looks like she is swimming

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