Beyond the FarmIn the KitchenIn the Woods

I Meant To Do That

With all those wonderful Chanterelles I picked the other day, I was able to unload (er, gifted) about half of them to a friend. The other half went into the fridge until I had a chance to clean them up and do something with them. Before I knew it,  it was night time and I was worn out from the busy day.

During my dreams, I cleaned all my remaining mushrooms, twice. It took two dreams to get them all done. Then, still in my dreams, I set up the kitchen to pickle and can them. I did this sequence twice also since I woke up after the first batch and had trouble falling back to sleep.

At 3am I could not stay in bed any longer and actually did get up and cleaned the mushrooms, set up the kitchen to pickle and got them all canned before 6am. It was a much easier task now that I was awake and not fretfully dreaming the whole thing over and over.

By the time the canning was done and the was kitchen cleaned back up again, it was time to get a move on because the dawn was beginning to glow, lighting the clouds with  beautiful oranges and pinks signaling a wonderful day ahead. I guess that I was meant to get the pickling done in those early morning hours.

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