CattleIn the Fields

Giving Thanks

I have a lot to be thankful for. We are comfortable and never lacking for things to do. The critters are getting along well. The forest is not making any unreasonable demands. And the big one for this year, we got the power pole not only up but got someone to shimmy up there to attach the wires and it wasn’t me!

Thanksgiving Day was fruitful for we were able to get the pesky limbs removed from the neighboring trees that interfered with the electric lines in the past. The lines were up safely, and we were able to add power to the line and fill all the stock tanks before the turkey was ready to eat.

tractor at power poleThankful and grateful for a productive day on the farm.

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3 thoughts on “Giving Thanks

  • Renee Wilson

    Inquiring minds want to know…who was the lucky one who got to do the shimmy?

    • admin

      Ahhh, that question is one that may be revealed as the posts go by. It may simply remain a mystery as many things around here tend to do.

  • Bonnie H Shumaker

    I’m surprised it wasn’t you that got to shimmy. Since there is no picture of the task being done, is it safe to assume the shimmier was camera-shy?

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