In the Woods


Getting an early start on the day doesn’t mean that I am always productive during those pre-dawn hours. I have been known to get sidetracked with a good book, a perplexing logic puzzle, Sudoku, even my ear-budded current library audio book. On the days when I can get my daily blog story written, a pot of coffee going and any online banking/bill paying complete before daybreak, I feel that I have gotten a good start to whatever is ahead.

It was one of these days when I had accomplished my indoor routine in good time. At daybreak, I was away from the house tasks and in the barn with the show cows. During their extended meal time, I was able to get the wood stove filled, the dogs taken for their much needed poop-walk and assessed the daily activity list that I had been contemplating. I was so happy to get the chance to go across the river and cut one tankful of fuel off the log deck of mostly dry wood before it was time to do the chores for the nursery field and the main herd.

The thermometer read 29 degrees and I took time to sneak back into the house during lulls to warm my fingers and toes. It was during one of these breaks, right after running the saw out of fuel, that I was in the garage soaking up the warmth when my phone rang. I dear friend said she was at the Junction and headed my way.

handmade soapsWhat a nice surprise. I hadn’t expected to have the chance to talk or see anyone other than our nuclear group (including critters). Within minutes, the car drove into the driveway and I walked out to a warm greeting and a gift of handmade soaps. The soap was made by the daughter of this friend and she was out and about delivering these “just because.” It was such a wonderful and unanticipated gesture. It was a rare treat to spend a couple of minutes catching up without the time to plan and organize the day just to do so. And the bonus is that now I smell nice!

So many thank yous to MJ and the very talented A. for your precious gifts. I treasure your generosity and your loving friendships.

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2 thoughts on “Gifted

  • Bonnie Shumaker

    How lovely! And the unexpectedness of the warm gesture cinched the deal. A gifted day indeed.

    • I am truly blessed with kindness from so many!

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