CattleIn the BarnIn the Fields

Getting Along Just Fine

Any concerns we had about pairing and penning larger bull #47  Bo Bridges (known far and wide as My Stalker) and newly weaned calf #48 Chad, disappeared quickly as the two became comfortable with each other.

As many of you recall, My Stalker got his nickname from standing outside the fence of the barn watching me as I spent hours bundling firewood for Co-Op project. He had been paired up in the large bull pen pasture and barn area with a bull that was about his age and weight but the time had come for the two to get a change of scenery and penmates.

The other bull was moved to be in with the two show cows and their calves since they are now coming into heat and we need to get them bred so they can deliver new calves next year. This group is now in their own pasture area and getting very chummy.

two bulls eating out of the same grain panMy Stalker is about 7 months older the Chad. The size and weight difference is about 700 lbs. yet the two get along really well. Chad noses right in to eat grain along with My Stalker, in fact Chad prefers to eat out of the same pan which makes both bulls have to stretch their necks through the head gate stanchions to get their fair share.

Now that these two bulls are willing penmates, we can move them to larger pastures and completely out of the barn with a small outside area.

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