In the Barn

Get This Guy An Award

I first noticed this a couple of weeks ago when I had the bulls from the bull pen temporarily moved over to the show barn so we could finish tattoos on the ones we had missed earlier in the year. See post from 4/7, Spring Green for a reminder.

bull with green tattoo ink in his earsAnyway, we had the bulls from the bull pen moved into the show barn and had their heads caught in the stanchions while they ate breakfast and checked on the missing tattoos.

The one bull, #57, had really, really long hair on his head and specifically his face. The hair formed curls right over his eyes giving him a look of a wild but more hairy Star Trek character.

I would show you a picture of the famous Worf but I am afraid I would violate all kinds of trademarks so you will have to look it up yourself if you don’t remember his amazing eyebrows.

That long hair and those amazing eyebrows are really showy. #57 stands out in the crowd of bulls in the bull pen. His hair stylist should get a special mention for the symmetry and sheer beauty of those eyebrows.

His eyebrows give him a rather sinister look, that is until he starts salivating when he sees that food his headed to the manger near him. Congratulations #57 for standing out in the crowd of yearlings with a stunning example of hair-do magnificence.

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One thought on “Get This Guy An Award

  • Bonnie Shumaker

    It must be hard to get a curling iron close to him to do his eyebrows. Or maybe he has a friend lick his face just right with its curly tongue.

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