In the Fields

Flat Fluffer

shaft for tire on flufferSomewhere between finishing the harvest of the far, far field and moving all the equipment up the road to the next area we are scheduled to begin, we popped a tire on the fluffer.

When the machine is outstretched to fluff a field, it is still a chore to reach all the fittings to be lubricated, but when it is condensed down for moving all the parts are very close together and all the tongs that fling the green hay in the field are in the way and very poke-y. Getting underneath the whirling eggbeater type gadget to take the tire off had Mike crawling, bending and stretching like a cruel game of Twister (with a whole bunch of tools scattered this way and that).

tire for flufferHe was able to get the tire off and made a run down to the valley for a replacement. The time getting the new tire back on took just as long as taking it off, but the machine is now ready to work. We are waiting for a storm system that is bringing moisture to the area for a day before we go into the next field to begin the harvest anew.

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One thought on “Flat Fluffer

  • Bonnie Shumaker

    Flat fluffer in the far, far field. Try saying that fast five times.

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