In the BarnIn the Fields


It is all done, hay season 2021 is complete.

We finished the six acre field without getting the expected 500 bales and down for the average harvest amount overall. We did not even break the 2000 bale mark coming in in a total of 1916. To make up for the lack of volume, this hay is higher quality than last year with fine stems and good nutritional value. The 1000 bales we had left over from last year will make up for the difference of the small harvest throughout the winter as we feed.

The barns are not filled to capacity like last year but we are ok with having more room to switch over to firewood storage for the bundling project during the winter months.

Now it is time to get busy and clean up all the equipment in order to jigsaw puzzle it back into the storage space in the barn across the river. I believe the cleanup will be easier than last year because it was dry during all hay season, last year with all the daily mist and or brief showers every bit of grime, grease, pollen, hay seed and dirt glommed onto every possible surface and dried in hardened clumps. The cleanup was nearly as much torture as the lengthy harvest time.



3 thoughts on “Fini

  • Bonnie Shumaker

    Talk about making lemonade out of lemons. I’m so glad all worked out and there will be enough hay all winter. We always have to buy some alfalfa hay to finish out the two lambs we raise each year, but this year it is time already. The pasture is dry earlier than we can remember. Also, the pond is beginning to recede and is below the overflow pipe – again earlier than we can remember. As long as our well keeps us and our garden irrigated, all will be acceptable.

  • Charmel Herinckx

    You are such a hard worker. Missing your beautiful smile. Hope to see you soon at the WIG group.

    • Now that hay season is over, I’m expecting to return! Can’t wait to see all the faces and bodies at the same time!

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