Beyond the FarmIn the Woods

Fence Line

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It is a convergence of two different worlds at the boundary line of our property and the neighbor who is doing a very large clear cut.

From our side of the line, we have no vehicle access to the area because of the steep terrain, and the non-rocked hauling and skid roads until next summer. All the our roads have been water-barred for the winter with deep channels dug across to divert rain and runoff in an effort to keep from carving deep grooves on the downhill slopes. From the neighbor side of the line, logging has been in full swing for more than a month and will continue throughout the winter.

They have a Main Line road that runs from Clear Creek on the north to the Sunset Highway on the South with spurs throughout the miles and miles of their Coast Range property. While they are processing their felled trees, there is a constant stream of log trucks running the circle by entering at Clear Creek and exiting at the Highway to keep up with the quick paced felling and processing.

A stack of maple and cherry logs along a clearcut

I walked up to the area where the tip of the triangle of their property and ours meet. The dangerous tangle of trees along our fenceline is no more. In its place there are several decks of maple and cherry trees on our side of the line and on their side there are the decks and decks of timber logs awaiting to be processed into lengths for the mill.

Active log processing on neighbors property

The property line is now clear and our trees remain without the dangerous, leaning mess of the storm damaged forest. Now I can actually get into the area to re-create a real working fence. But that will have to wait until next year when we can carry supplies up the hill to this area.

The forest at the edge of the clearcut

Our forest that had been very dark from the shade of the neighbors will take a couple of years to adjust to the amount of sunlight and winds that will stress them.

We will be monitoring our trees closely knowing that we may be doing more harvesting of our own as trees fail to adjust to the new environment.