In the Fields

Far End Of The Rabbit Run

cattle path through hay field
Cattle standing by the locked gate at the far end of the Rabbit Run

It is time again to move the main herd from the far, far field through the Rabbit Run and back to the pastures surrounding the closer hay fields.

The main herd has given us the signal that they are ready to be moved. They are making their feelings known that they have snarfled up all the good clover patches and tender grass shoots that have been growing around the perimeter of the far, far field and they are looking forward to moving back to closer grazing areas.

We are getting close enough now to hay season when the posts and electrified wires could be picked up so this nearby field could be mowed and processed into hay bales. Instead we are holding off dismantling the Rabbit Run to have one more rotation of pasturing around the far, far field.

Lead cow with her head over the fence while the rest of the herd is in file behind her waiting for the gate to be opened

The herd could care less about what our plans are as long as they continue to have lush areas to feed and hang out. Their wishes are obvious as they stretch their necks over the gate.

If our timing holds true to expectations, we will be able to get the main herd moved back down the Rabbit Run and out of our way as we process the hay fields.

Once the fields are cleared of grass turned to hay and the hay is securely stored in the barn for winter feeding, the main herd will be used to clean up the missed corners and edges, and giving them the large fields for grazing the rest of the summer and into the fall. Hopefully after we use the Rabbit Run one more half rotation, we will be able to dismantle the temporary barrier and when the herd comes by this way again the field will be ready for them to begin the scouring process.