In the Woods

Fall Water Bars

dozer gouging ditches across logging roadsRight after the success of getting the last log truck load of logging season pulled out of the landing, Mike fired up the bulldozer to make some gouges in the dirt roads of the forest.

These gouges are slanted across the roads to allow for rainwater and springs that erupt through the surface, to channel sluicing water off the roads. The channels are referred to as water bars. Mike begins by making the cuts with the dozer when possible, then coming along after with a shovel to refine the channel. The couple of hours spent using the dozer for the initial cuts at intervals over several miles of dirt roads criss-crossing the forest diverts the rain that would make deep ruts that ruin the pathways and cause dirt to wash into the river.

Watching him work the dozer across  the roads is almost like watching a dance. He moves the dozer with what looks like ease over berms created when he had dragged countless logs down the road over the summer logging season. He tips the blade and forms smooth gully-like ditches to handle the heaviest of rains. I would stick around to watch the beauty of Mike working the shovel to refine the water bars, but he may see me gawking and press me into duty helping. I think I have other work that needs to be done rather than just standing around…

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One thought on “Fall Water Bars

  • Bonnie Shumaker

    With your description of the bulldozer “dance” with Mike operating it reminds me of his new piece of equipment. Is it still “Dang” or is there a possibility it could be renamed “Dancer?” I’m sure it hasn’t been used enough (or at all?) to earn either name, but I’ll bet it will enter your blog before too long.

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