Beyond the FarmIn the Garden

End Of November

What had seemed like a pretty typical November at the beginning of the month changed quickly to wetter than average with temperatures well above normal early winter. We have had only a few frosts and nighttime temperatures in the high 40s and low 50s have not been uncommon.

The pasture/hay field areas of the farm are still growing with green grass. The earthworms have not slowed down yet because we are seeing abundant activities with mole workings all around the fields, in the garden, bull pen and in the yarn. They have seemingly exploded with their springtime-like exuberance.

I have been hearing that some of the flower bulbs like daffodils have been poking their heads up out of the soil in some areas around Portland and that is months ahead of schedule. Time will tell if the winter will turn toward a more cold side. I keep looking at predictions and they are saying a longer, colder than normal winter.

I’m looking for some colder weather to kill off those nuisance summer time bugs that love to gnaw on human flesh so I will have to keep waiting to see what will happen.