CattleIn the Fields

Dry Fields Everywhere

With our very dry year, the hay fields did not grow back after we cut the harvest for hay.

There is a lot of dust around and each field looks about the same. We have been moving the main herd around the fields nonetheless in an effort to keep the brush growing along the fence lines and the weeds under control that like to pop up.

We wanted to move the main herd this morning to the far, far field where they have ample areas around the field to graze and lounge around under the big maple trees and underbrush with which to hunker down away from the flies that bother this time of year. We are feeding them twice a day with supplemental hay to keep them in good shape for fall.

All it took was Mike opening the gate and the herd headed over to the field. It has been almost three weeks since they were last over there and seemed happy to be moving.


One thought on “Dry Fields Everywhere

  • Bonnie Shumaker

    I move my chicken tractor every other day just like always to another 4 x 8 square foot piece of pasture. Even though it is now just another area of dry, brown stubble, the chickens still seem excited. I guess all critters like a change of scenery now and again.

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