In the Garden

Digging Up Tired Potatoes

I refer to the spuds I grow in the garden as tired, because I plant them in tires to keep them slightly above ground level.

The height of the mounds gives the plants opportunities to grow more tubers on each plant and keeps them in stored for longer after the plants die off each year. The tires hold weeds at bay and the ones that do take root are easier to eradicate because they are up a bit from ground level.

I have been very slow to dig up the last of the potatoes and found that the last tires were able to winter over without spoilage.

freshly dug potatoesMany had already begun to sprout. The ones that I was able to salvage without breaking the new growths off were put into a tray and stored in the dark, cool shop while we had the chance to work up the garden area in preparation of new planting. I was able to get about 10 lbs of spuds for eating besides enough for the next planting. We have a mix of russet, red and Yukon (yellow) potatoes.

Over the last week we were able to get most of the garden tilled and ready for the cool weather veggies. The tired potatoes will again be put into the ground in a couple of weeks after all danger of frost is past.

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