Beyond the FarmConservation and StewardshipIn the Barn


The last week has been a series of dashing moments.

I kept trying to fit in time to get wood bundles made up but other tasks would pop up (or rather Mike would remind me). The needs would pop up and 99.999% of them needed a minimum of two people to accomplish. Just some of the interruptions were that the main herd needed moved, a tree had fallen along the fence and needed to be limbed and brought up to the landing, or the bucket scoop attachment on the tractor had to be changed over so we could move cribs of firewood, or the pickup needed to be stacked for delivery, or delivery, or daily chores, or, or, or. I really wanted to get out into the forest for a bucket of Chanterelles with hopefully some lobster mushrooms to pickle but I did not have time or the inclination to make the muddy trek up or down the slippery slopes. Most of the activities were attended to in full rain gear since the tasks seemed to coincide with some very strong shower systems, with the exception of delivering firewood, that morning was relatively dry and we had no drops falling on our heads as we zipped to three stores with a maximum load.

I am NOT complaining about the rain, this is the moisture we desperately need and I am perfectly happy to spend days dashing in and out of puddles and dry areas for the sake of our forests and lands.

Today I will be back to attempting to get some bundles made up but I am sure that I will get the message that a task or two will need to be taken care of before I can process the allotment. Wish me luck.

One thought on “Dashing

  • Bonnie Shumaker

    Wishing you that rare feat when time AND inclination come together.

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