CattleIn the Garden

Crazy Uncle Boaz

The coyote population has been fierce this year. Out of the 4 kittens we imported to the farm last year, Crazy Uncle Boaz is the last survivor.

Starting out with the simple name Boaz, he was a fluffy kitten a little smaller than the rest of his family but he looked bigger because of all that fur.

A fluffy cat louges in the barn.Now fully grown he has specific mannerisms.  He would rather flop around at your feet to get attention than to rub up against your legs and he loves to be held with his belly up in the air so you can pet there easily.

He is also a very talkative cat. When I walk to the show barn for feeding time I can hear him coming from the garden or the brush line on the other side of the pasture.

Mrrow, mrrow, mrrow he calls with each step. Alerting not only me but the black Grandma Cat and the 4 remaining kittens from this spring batch. Frick and Frack (they are the two slick-haired black kittens that I cannot tell apart), Fuzzy Zeller, and Peg Leg Pete. The kittens get all riled up because Crazy Uncle Boaz is on his way.

Boaz will then stretch out right in front of me as I try to feed bales of hay or when I need to reach into the 2000 lb. grain bag. It seems like there is a big lump of cat every time I reach out.