In the Garden

Counting Down

a tray of frozen blackberries
The last picking of blackberries frozen on a tray before moving into freezer bags.

As the days begin to really feel shorter and the daytime temps are cooler, the autumn is in full swing. The garden has slowed considerably. Gone are the plums, berries, early apples, filberts and nearly all the pears except for a couple of malingerers.

The Asian pears are ready to start eating and the tree is loaded this year. The yellow delicious apples, the Rome and Granny Smith don’t have the bounty of the pears but enough to still make a few pies or applesauce before winter.

We still have tomatoes, summer squash and basil but that will all end with the first frost or a good rain storm. All the ‘tired’ potatoes have died back and we will continue to dig up a tire a couple times a week well into the cold winter. The beets are not as big or plentiful as last year but they have been adding to our meals for the last two months with still more growing. And I almost forgot, there is still ten full-sized red cabbages for salads, slaws and cooking.

Things may be dwindling but the garden is still producing.

A new rototiller is on my list for next year since fixing the one I broke would cost more effort and money than a new one.

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One thought on “Counting Down

  • Bonnie Shumaker

    My garden has done good this year and is winding down, too. The weather was perfect to give me enough tomatoes to do all I wanted: spagetti and marinara sauce, salsa, mom’s chili sauce, dad’s minestrone and delicious juice. There are lots more tomatoes on the vines, but as soon as a light freeze comes, they will be gone. The Grimes Golden and Braeburn apples are waiting for that light freeze to get to their delicious best. Spring and fall are my favorite seasons – new birth and slow down reflecting on all in-between.

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