CattleIn the BarnIn the Fields

Colder Weather Settles In

Frigid temps along with moisture that was not quite snow and not quite freezing rain had been coming down most of the night. The main herd of cattle across the river have icicles hanging from their hides, their tails and ears. They spent the night under the tall fir trees but the freezing particles in the air attached and grew.

ice and snow on black cowsWhen it was light and we were able to get the chores started, the main herd let us know in no uncertain terms that they were hungry. They mobbed the Gator that was filled with hay for the outdoor feeders and began snatching bites before we could distribute the slabs into the feeders.

By afternoon, the moisture changed from sleet like drops and pelleted hail balls to snow.

The wind blew the snow into the barns during the night giving us about a foot of snow with layers of ice. The cattle were coated with snow blankets, even those who hung out in the shelter of the barns were covered.

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