In the FieldsIn the Garden

Chilly Mornings

weather station readoutThe weather turned sneaky this week and dropped temps into the 30’s for three days. One of those days it was down to 35 degrees by the weather station we have mounted outside. The weather station is close but not always dead on the exact degree. We have had frost before at the 35 mark.

I believed I saw a hint of frost on the edge of the windshield on the pickup but did not see any evidence in the garden. Usually the first garden crops to show frost are the leaves on the squash plants, the tips will not handle frost well. The cold will cause the tips of the leaves to shrivel, curl and turn brown. Also the tomato plants can show when we have had a frost, the tips of the plants are just too tender for frosty weather.

With a big warm up expected over the weekend, we hope that the threat of frost stays away for a while. As soon as it becomes September, the frosty weather could happen at any time.

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One thought on “Chilly Mornings

  • Bonnie Shumaker

    We will be wishing for cool mornings for the next few days. How is your fog count coming? I was just wondering about this winter’s weather.

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