CattleIn the Fields

Caught Red Handed

Perhaps the name of this post should be that she was caught red tailed.

I was gathering up the herd to feed them for the evening chores when I noticed one heifer who found the best spot to take care of an itch.

calf rubbing underneath her tail with a branchShe had backed up to a vine maple branch that was sticking through the woven wire fence that swooped into a u-shape. It was just the right height to get her tail over the branch so she could rock back and forth on her legs to scratch her back end under her tail.

When I abruptly came through the gate and startled her, she jumped then froze in place with the branch still between her tail and back side. She looked rather sheepish as if she was caught doing something naughty but then started back enjoying her good scratch. I rounded up the rest of the herd and moved them in the right direction, the calf toddled along later, after she had satiated her need for relief.

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One thought on “Caught Red Handed

  • Bonnie Shumaker

    Ahh – the perfect solution to a double-itch. So glad you had your camera and the calf stopped scratching to pose.

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