CattleIn the Barn

Catchin’ Some Rays

Our week of weather swings from full sun to gusty squalls, boiling clouds to bright rainbows, loud thunder to spits of hail, snow showers to peppering rain. The dogs have been wet, then dry so many times you would think their pelts would wear out, but they are enjoying the spring weather.

I had just finished my morning chores in the show barn and Mike was out in the bull barn completing his feeding when I spied Jackson the dog.

black and white dog sitting by houseJackson was nearly at the halfway point between the bull barn and the show barn. He was tucked up along the east facing wall of the house and soaking in the sunshine while he waited for both of us to get our chores accomplished.

He looked content sitting there. Adding some cool-looking shades would have perfected the look.

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